Future development based on PAX feedback

3 days, 7 sessions and almost 30 players who sat down to give this game a go!

Having such a big play test experience meant I was able to gain some valuable insights into how people played the game. 

Some things I plan to work on further based on the feedback and observations made while watching people play.

Ways to combat decision paralysis when starting out.

  • More world building settings, so people can have more options to quickly pick from
  • Vibe check, so people can settle on the tone of game they want to play
  • Guild suggestions, so people can quickly have some pre-generated ideas to select from

Ways to integrate Connections (and your character!) into the world a bit more.

  • Connection events in the prompt deck, so you don't forget about your meaningful connections after making them
  • Personal events in the prompt deck, so your character can take a day off and personally experience some of the city they've been hearing about through the various visitors to the Guild

A few extra things on my mind.

  • Rework the Guild Creation template to include a review section (good and bad, customer and/or past employee reviews)
  • Optional Guild Progression rules, so you can build / destroy your Guild's reputation to have a clearer end game goal
  • Optional Personal Progression rules, so you can mark your character's progress to have a clearer end game goal
  • Optional Multiplayer rules, so you can have fun with your friends!

Future future goals.

There was a lot of positive feedback from PAX so once I iron out the above things and also settle on the art style, I will definitely try and release this as both a Print to Play here on itch and as a Kickstarter to fund some official pretty cards for people to use.

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